Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Mexico - "Land of Enchantment"

First stop in New Mexico was Camp Wal-Mart, Deming!  A good place to sleep, and then, on to Albuquerque!  Stops along the highway to buy some pinon nuts and then, genuine Hatch chile peppers from actual Hatch, New Mexico!  Another tamale making session ensued!

As luck would have it, we arrived at Harold's sister and bro-in-law (Marlene and Jimmy!) on Valentine's Day.  His other sis Mary Lee and her daughter Laurie and family from Emmett, Idaho, were there as well.  We all convened at Grandma Polly's (mom of Harold, Marlene & Mary Lee) for a festive celebration of HEARTS!  
Harold & his Mom - HAPPY HEARTS DAY!
LATER THAT NIGHT came a "Happy News Phone Call" from Mike & Corina!  During their Valentine's Day dinner, Mike popped the question and Corina happily responded  "Yes!"  It's official - they are engaged!  We're so happy for them and for all of us to welcome Corina to the family!  Here's a picture from their Thanksgiving visit to Vancouver . . . 
Now officially engaged!!
Next day - the grand celebration - Grandma Polly's 94th ! This time Carolyn & Gary joined the rest of us at Marlene & Jimmy's, as did Jamie and little Isabelle, and we had quite the grand fiesta - family, fun and fabulous food.  (Oops - my goof!  Isabelle was sick and did not make it to the party.  We did see that little cutie pie the night before - but, sadly, no pics of her!  Big boo-boo on my part!)
Mary Lee, Polly (94!) and Harold
One Happy Birthday Girl !!
Our three days in Albuquerque went by soooo fast.  Mostly we hung out and talked, trying to catch up on all the family news since we visited there last February!  Having Laurie, hubby Gordon, and their adorable kids there really added to the fun!   

Cole & Harold loved throwing the ball for Trixie!
Little Kinzie - definitely a charmer!
When Trixie wasn't outside with the boys, she
 showed a preference for Jimmy's lap!
(Could this be because of the peanut brittle crumbs on the floor?)
We visited Albuquerque's "Explora", a children's museum.  Not sure who had the most fun . . . 
Marlene and Cole
Yours truly - thru a mirror-tube!
Marlene, Jimmy & Harold - heat sensing!!
Me on a semi-scary balancing bike ride!
Cole, Gordon, Kinzie, Mary Lee & Laurie in the
Biggest Elevator I've ever seen!!!

THANK YOU MARLENE & JIMMY FOR YOUR ENCHANTING & VERY WARM  HOSPITALITY!  Loved being with you and all the family! 
So, yes, it's Thursday - again - and today took us from Albuquerque to Fort Sumner, NM.  We are gradually working our way east and should make it into Texas tomorrow.  As usual, not exactly sure of our route but expect to get to  Witchita Falls on Saturday, and then on down to Fort Worth for a visit with Dewey & Renee Williams, good old friends and neighbors from our years on 109th Street!

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