Friday, December 31, 2010

Moving south - at a snail's pace!

Mon Dec 20 – Dorena to Grants Pass, Oregon – rain and snow all along the way.  Had been headed for a night’s stop along I-5 but had a better idea!  Decided to take the Redwood Highway over to the coast rather than the Siskiyou Pass route.  Spent the night at W-M in Grants Pass.

Tues – A late start once again out of Grants Pass, due in part to the discovery of Christmas trees in the parking lot!  Scout Troop 23 had abandoned their fund-raising project and put up a sign Free Trees – Merry Christmas.  Fortunately Harold has a saw which he pressed into action – we didn’t actually get to cut down our tree – just had to cut the top off of one.  Yea!   A Christmas tree for us after all!

Next came a stunningly beautiful drive to the coast.  Snow on the landscape most of the way, but the scenery along the Smith River is so beautiful and the roads were clear – we’re so glad to be going this way!  

Arriving in Crescent City early afternoon, parked along side (practically in!) the Pacific at Crescent Bay to enjoy a leisurely lunch.  Stormy weather prompted another last minute decision about our “schedule” (non-schedule is more like it) and we opted to stay the night in Crescent City (W-M).  We’ll make our way south in the morning so we’ll have the drive along the coast and through the Redwoods in the early part of the day and hopefully better weather.

Wed Dec 22 – Sunshine and blue sky on awakening!  Wow!  Let’s get up and get going!  Tonight we’ll stay in an RV park south of Richardson Grove State Park, about half way to Santa Rosa – after three nights “dry-camping” we are desiring hook-ups!

What a drive we had today!!  Sunny and (relatively) warm – and the most awesome scenery as we continued south on the Redwood Highway.  The towering redwoods really take your breath away.

Thurs Dec 23 –From the rustic (Bible Camp) RV park to Santa Rosa W-M.  This drive took us along the scenic Eel and Russian Rivers.  Had our first-of-the-trip winery visit and tasting at Jaxson Keys Winery and Distillery just outside of Hopland, bringing Harold fond memories of his youthful pear picking adventure.  Bought a case for the road and some special Viognier.  Another beautiful sunny day.

Fri – Christmas Eve – Up in the a.m. but Harold has a “cwappy” cold so we are having to rethink some of our visiting plans – no Pat Engman at Bodega Bay, no Paul and Kathleen at Inverness.  Rats!  Anyway, off to fill up with LP and then over to Nora’s where we set up camp, put up the red chili peppers lights, trimmed our tree and got ready for Christmas Eve dinner at our “house”.  

Dave came with fresh crab (OMG amazing!) and Lisa shared a bottle of La Crème Chardonnay (mmmmm).
Harold sadly in bed all evening, but Nora, Lisa, Dave and I enjoyed first the crab, then Star’s pork roast and broccoli-cheese bake, and ending with pistachio gelato and cookies.  Overall a lovely Christmas Eve with family, lots of laughing!!

Christmas Day – Harold feeling a bit better but still sounds awful .  A festive morning, nevertheless with our holiday tree, lights and bubbly mimosas as we opened our stockings from Santa – er, um, I mean Carolyn! 

Lovely, thoughtful gifts and Harold’s comment was that “she made my day!”  (I think he especially likes those new socks!)

Harold and Trixie stayed in and off I went to Denise and Larry’s with my brie, wine and asparagus!  So delighted to see Samantha and Andrew and hear about all their goings-on, and to visit with Lisa, too, and L & D, and some of their interesting and zany friends.

Dec 26th – To Larry’s in the afternoon for leftovers and a rousing game of Apples to Apples.  Their friends Jay and Suzie Jacobs (from Bandon, OR) joined us for more of the same.  A pleasant, low-key day all around.  Bed very late (for us) around the corner from L&D’s.
Dec 27th – Wow!  We made it four nights w/o hookups!  We’re learning!!  Off today, though, to the SR Fairgrounds RV park to re-charge, fill and empty.  Will head out of Santa Rosa tomorrow.

Dec 28th – Santa Rosa to Vacaville W-M, but evicted from there and sent over to Sam’s Club for the night.  Big rain and wind!!   

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