Thursday, July 28, 2011


AirVenture - what an amazing scene!  I am so blown away by the sheer size of this air-fest!

Planesplanesplanes - every imaginable type - even the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner is due in tomorrow!!

Oh, and RVsRVsRVs - Probably 1,000 or more here at "Camp Scholler," the AirVenture campground at Wittman Airport where AirVenture is happening. The airfield scene is so awesome. The campground? It’s really something else - shades of Quartzsite, AZ,
but with grass!
Winding down at Camp Scholler
after a long day of scopin' out planes.
Another captivating sunset over this sea of RVs

Anyway, here are a few more shots from our Oshkosh experience . . . 

TeenFlight's RV-12

(To learn more about TeenFlight and our being here,
see the previous blog post!)
It's official - we were here!

More death-defying air show aerobatics!

talkin' 'bout kids building airplanes

At the "antique flight simulator"
I actually flew pretty darn well!
It was 
landing that was a problem for me!
(Simulator screen)
This is the plane I "crashed!"

Aric - trying to sell the plane?  Hmmmm . . . .

Paul Poberenzy in his "Red One."
Believe it or not, he tried to pick me up in this!
(but only because I was limping a little!)

And here's Harold with Mr. Poberenzy's pretty little red plane!

Four fabulous days at Oshkosh!  Yesterday it rained buckets in the morning, turning the whole big place into a huge muddy muck - I hear they call that "Sloshkosh!"  We're just grateful for those first three perfect sunny days!

Bye Aric!  It was really fun to meet up with you at this exciting and inspiring event! We enjoyed learning more about your project, and seeing that gorgeous little plane you guys built! Congrats!

And now we're off to Davenport, Iowa, to meet up with Karen & Clint as they finish their Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa!  Yes, REALLY, all the way across Iowa! 

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