Saturday, July 16, 2011

Niagara Falls

Leaving Quebec province a week ago today, we were almost giddy coming into Ontario . . .  roadsigns in English!  Whoopee . . .  

Traveled along the St. Lawrence Seaway - awesome!!  After a couple of days of driving and more amazing scenery - mainly waterways and farmland - we were running on fumes.  Crossed back into the US for a fill-up in Ogdensburg, NY.

From there, we shuffled off towards Buffalo, making our way through upstate New York - what a beautiful drive it was!
Found ourselves on a scenic two-lane, first with the St. Lawrence off to our right, then gradually making our way inland, past farm and field, grassy green pastures and the ever-present palette of wildflowers, glorious day lilies yellow and orange, and even patches of sunny black-eyed Susan.

How many pics of farms, fields and wildflowers can I post before they all start to look alike? So here's just a tiny sample of the view from the navigator's chair . . . 

After an hour or so we entered the New York Thru-way, the turnpike, and then we really made good time.  Zoe found a Walmart for us in Batavia,  just an hour shy of Buffalo, so we pulled in, set up camp, got a few supplies, ate, watched weather news and called it a night!

Next morning, Niagara Falls!

Crossing over the Rainbow Bridge from Niagara Falls, NY,
 to Niagara Falls, Ontario (yes, back into Canada!), here's
 the view of the Niagara River downstream from the falls.

And out the left window (still on the bridge!) we saw . . . 
American Falls on the left and Horseshoe Falls beyond - breathtaking!

Kiwi in the mist above Horseshoe Falls

While the falls, in Harold's words, are stupendous, the junky Coney Island type carnival atmosphere all around was disappointing! The mobs of tourists flocking to all the gaudy so-called attractions really detracted from the natural beauty of those awesome "cataracts" (thank you again, Harold!)

These little girls sure were admiring the scooters!
Had a fun little visit with them & their parents
there by the falls - nice friendly family!

Above the falls . . .

"Home" for a few nights near Niagara Falls
Found a little path nearby & got some much needed exercise!

This morning we were up bright and early with a plan to get to Detroit!  Once again traveling along the TransCan through Ontario, we came into Michigan at Port Huron.    
We caught a view of the St. Clair River and Lake Huron
as we were leaving Ontario - 

And we're back in the USA - this time to stay!

So here we are tonight - Camp Walmart! - out in the Detroit suburbs.

Tomorrow we're off for a little visit with my cousin Mary in nearby Farmington.

And as today is Harold's last day of being "in his 60's," we'll be doing a little bit of celebrating tomorrow "mourning", too!

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