Sunday, January 2, 2011


A highly coveted invitation in Sacramento is to the annual Swett Musicale which takes place on New Years Day - and we got one this year!!  woo-hooo !!!!
Max, Ken, Molly & the Big Shirt
Mike, Crooner Clint & Ken
Adam, Ken & Mark
Soprano Rebecca & enchanted audience
Lisa & Auntie
This popular event that has been kicking off the new year since 1996 is epitomized in a poem by one of the regular party attendees:

The Swett Band

by Carlos Alcala

                                  Welcome to the Swett’s affair,
                           Twice a year, you must be there,

                           In Spring and then on New Year’s Day,
                           You must show up and you must play.

                           At musicales, to play’s the thing,

                           If you don’t play, then you must sing.

                           If you won’t sing, then go to ...Hello!

                           Glad to see you. You bring your cello?

                           Bongo, woodwind, brass or string,

                           The musicale takes anything.

                           Tin ear? Tone deaf? We can hack it.

                           With clarinet just make a racket.
                           Or with a racket, just clear a net,

                           Tennis is music to Mr. Swett.

                           But Clint is also known to croon,

                           Some well-worn TV Western tune.

                           Leans back his head and shuts his eyes.

                           He picks his chords, at least he tries,

                           And sings a song of hide that’s raw,

                           We sing along, ‘cause it’s the law.

                           And what is law without an order?

                           That’s Karen’s job, don’t try to thwart her.

                           Don’t buck her order, you might derange her

                           From her position as head arranger.

                           She also orchestrates the goodies,

                           Directing the work by loyal foodies.

                           Music may be the food of love,

                           But real grub’s the food that I eat of.

                           So Karen’s cooks are all enrolled --

                           the Iron Chefs with hearts of gold --

                           To make the meal on which we feed.

                           And it’s a fine one, thanks, indeed.

                           So thanks to cooks and thanks to strummers

                           Thanks to the pianists, and thanks to drummers

                           Thanks to those who bring the tune with ‘em

                           Thanks even to those who can’t stay in rhythm.

                           To those who sing, and to those just yelping,

                           And to those just having a second helping:

                           You make up the best jubilee in the land,

                           And you’re all musicians in the big Swett Band.

January 2008

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