Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Saying good-bye to Why

How did it get to be Wednesday already??  Our time here in Why (and nearby Ajo) was very laid back and has passed too quickly!  
Here is Coyote Howls from a distance.
  We are waaay over there on the corner of Mesquite & Boondock!
We've lived the past week minute by minute - no plans, no schedule, no agenda.  We got in several bike rides, a couple of scooter rides, walks of course!, the scenic drive around Ajo Mountain, a really pleasant hike on the desert, a bit of shopping at a fun little shop in Ajo called ¿Si, Como No? (Yes, why not?) and some lazy lounging around reading and watching the sky, etc., etc.

We discovered some unique architecture
 while scooting around Ajo looking at homes!

And culture!  We saw the Smithsonian exhibit "Key Ingredients"
 (about the evolution of regional food!)
 at the historic Curley School in Ajo.
Did I mention that Coyote Howls has a Garden Club?  They do!
Here's an example of Coyote Howls variety "Bottle Brush" .
Trixie liked the scenic drive around Ajo Mountain (I think)!

Yesterday, we enjoyed a delightful desert hike!
No, Harold was not tipsy - just me being lazy about editing the photo!
Grammy on the trail - happily saw NO snakes!
But ya gotta watch out for these jumpin' cactus!!

Hey - I got up here all by myself!!
Through the fence - not sure we were really
 suppose to go there, but we did.

Hi-ho, hi-ho, we're off to Mexico - Puerto Penasco on the Sea of Cortez, that is!!  If we have Wi-Fi when we get there, I'll make a liitle post that we made it!!  Tune in again . . . 

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